I met David Reso in 2015 through the NRBA, another client. He already had branding but needed a few websites for various purposes, continuity in branding for most of the sites, and divisions of his company: HUDforLouisiana.com, LouisisanaREO.com, AudubonRealty.com, AudubonNotary.com and then a different work for LouisianaHomeBuyers.com – nothing fancy, but distinct.
We used the existing logo for most of the sites, varying the color for the notary site only. The real estate ones are all the same. Those were quick. We use his logo and the unique shape of Louisiana in many ways and EVERYWHERE. I don’t have to create a logo to be able to create variations for many uses.
To save time on the spin-off sites, we simply duplicated each one, secured a new theme license and had them built, ready to customize in a day. We added unique content to each one, as they are specialized. Next up, resumes for his team to secure REO clients and HUD listings.