Does this describe you, your department or your company?
You know you need to participate in industry conferences. You decide which capacity for each one whether your are simply an attendee, an exhibitor, a speaker or a host of a special event at the conference such as a cocktail party or gold event. When that decision is made, the clock of effectiveness is ticking. How will you add this to your already full schedule of tasks?
I’ve done this for several clients with great success. They were shocked at how much of a difference this effort made in their HOT leads and advocates. They never realized how much money they were leaving on the table and how their half or quarter effort was really just going through the motions at these conferences and trade shows.
Sometimes you need a conference team to jump in a few times a year just for this purpose. That’s where we come in. We just need to know how you are participating, who is participating and the event link and we are on our way to ensure that when you arrive at the conference, people are looking for you, cheering you as you walk through the door and ready to introduce you to key influencers at their company.
We also realize it doesn’t end when you head back to the office. That’s the afterglow of the conference. We aren’t done yet. Before you get back into your routine, we’ll have continued engagement to maximize your new potential clients and advocates.
Do you have conferences coming up? Do you have enough staff to really make a grand entrance – I’m talking trumpets and rose petals. If not, you need our help. Let’s talk and see how this would look so you can plan. Try to give me more than a couple of weeks’ notice – really. Months are better!
The conference experience starts the moment you register as an attendee, sponsor, speaker or host.
Marketing teams are already spread thin. Tossing in 1-5 conferences a year and not only stretch them to the point of ripping as they attempt to cover their regular tasks and incorporate a splash at a conference. They may not even realize how much they are not participating in an event because they are blinded by deadlines and obligations from several directions.
More on the topic of conference and trade show preparation here:
Replay from SLMA Radio on this topic – lots of free ideas and things to ponder (23 minutes):