Your Own Merchandise On-Demand
How can you easily create branded merchandise for your employees without having to order dozens of them. Wouldn’t it be fun if your members, employees, fans, families could create on-demand merchandise with your company message, tagline, podcast catch-phrases. What if they could order shirts, hats, button-ups, onesies, mugs, tote bags with your logo?
We can help you set it up where they can order items as they want to – perhaps before a big conference, for a promotional event, to launch a product, or to continuing “wearing the colors” proudly to promote the brand. You can make it open to anyone with the link, have some admin only items for awards, or special gifts. You can lock it down to invite only band approve each purchase. It can be as open or as exclusive as you want it.
This is a great idea for membership organizations. The NRBA has just launched their members only store. They will pre-order metal “signs” as their awards for the annual conference. Here are some other fun designs we did for two of our podcast clients. These are popular baby gifts, we’re finding, and super fan thank yous.