A podcast host I help recently asked how he can increase his numbers on replays. He’s part of a large software company with over 900 employees, so those are 900 potential subscribers and advocates! Here are some suggestions I gave him:
6 Ways to Get Your Team to Share Your Podcast:
- Make it EASY – Send out an email when the episode publishes with a link, a graphic and a quote for them AND, most importantly, a request from you to share it on LinkedIn and/or Twitter to their networks.
- Make it a game – Until they get in the habit of sharing. Give them a quote from the show and challenge them to find the time stamp where that quote was spoken. The first four people to text, email or call it in get a gift card – $5 Starbucks card goes a long way. Do this every episode or for your most important guests or episodes, raise up the level of the prizes.
- Public kudos: Call out those on your team who share it out the most and publicly thank them, or have them on for a short episode – why not? People like to be noticed and appreciated.
- Create a trackable link – This will give you information on how they are sharing it. Add it to your custom dashboard in analytics or your favorite online journey statistics tool.
- Hide an Easter Egg – In each episode, throw a little something in – a phrase or a link. This turns the listening into something more interactive – get them to post the Easter Egg with a time stamp on social media – make sure you have a valuable tip right by it so people will continue listening.
- Send out a survey – Later in the year, send out a quick survey to see what their favorite episodes were and then post the results of the survey. If you had guests, be sure to share that list with them if they rank in the top 5.
Most of the time, an ask made easy is enough, but sometimes we have to get more creative. Bringing your team in to participate gives them something to talk about, and once they start talking about it, your numbers will increase and reach to those in their networks. You may even find some great guests and prospects this way. Doesn’t take a lot of time to try it out; give it three months and see how it’s working. Are they actually doing it? Are you giving out those $5 gift cards? Let me know what worked and didn’t work for you.